Indie Alliance


How to Start a Record Label

Two vinyl discs on a messy creative desk


The music industry has undergone a remarkable transformation in recent years, allowing independent artists and labels to thrive like never before. If you're an ambitious music enthusiast looking to start your own independent label, this article will guide you through the essential steps to set up your business. In particular, we'll explore two highly recommended distributors, DistroKid and LabelCaster, known for their simplicity, efficiency, and industry support.

Creating a Brand for Your Record Label

Creating a strong and captivating brand is an essential aspect of establishing a successful record label. A well-defined brand identity helps differentiate your label from others, attracts artists and fans, and leaves a lasting impression. Here are some key steps to consider when creating a brand for your record label:

Figure Out Your Genre Niche

Before diving into branding, it's crucial to identify the genre niche that your label will focus on. Consider your personal taste, expertise, and market trends. Research the current music landscape to determine which genres have potential for growth and resonate with your target audience. By specializing in a specific genre, you can position your label as an expert and build a dedicated following.

Name, Logo, and Visual Identity

A memorable name, logo, and visual identity are crucial elements of your label's brand. They should reflect the essence of your label and appeal to your target audience. Here are some tips to guide you:

  • Name: Brainstorm a list of potential names that align with your genre niche and evoke the desired emotions. Consider the availability of domain names and social media handles. Look for a name that is unique, catchy, and easy to remember. Conduct thorough research to ensure that the name is not already trademarked or in use by another music-related entity.

  • Logo: Your logo should be visually striking and representative of your label's identity. Hire a professional designer or use online logo creation tools to develop a logo that captures the essence of your brand. Consider incorporating elements such as music-related symbols, typography, or imagery that relates to your genre.

  • Visual Identity: Consistency in visual elements is key to establishing a strong brand identity. Define a color palette that complements your genre and resonates with your target audience. Select fonts that convey the right tone and personality for your label. Apply these visual elements consistently across your website, social media profiles, promotional materials, and album artwork to create a cohesive and recognizable brand image.

Building an Engaging Website and Social Media Presence

An engaging website and active presence on social media platforms are essential for promoting your label and connecting with artists and fans. Consider the following:

  • Website: Create a professional and user-friendly website that showcases your label's releases, artists, and news updates. Include a biography section, contact information, and links to your social media profiles. Provide a platform for artists to submit demos or inquiries.

  • Social Media: Utilize social media platforms that align with your target audience's preferences. Regularly post engaging content such as artist spotlights, behind-the-scenes footage, new releases, and label updates. Engage with your followers, respond to comments and messages, and collaborate with influencers and artists within your genre to expand your reach.

Registering Your Company for Your Record Label

When starting a record label, registering your company is a crucial step to establish a legitimate and professional business entity. Here are some important considerations regarding when to register your company and the potential benefits and downsides involved:

When should I do it?

The ideal time to register your record label as a company may vary depending on factors such as your location, local regulations, and the stage of your label's development. However, it is generally recommended to register your company as early as possible, once you have a clear vision and plan for your label.

Potential Benefits of Company Registration

  • Legal Protection: Registering your company provides legal protection by separating your personal assets from your label's liabilities. This shields your personal finances in case of any legal issues or financial challenges faced by the label.

  • Professional Image: Operating as a registered company enhances your label's credibility and professionalism in the eyes of artists, industry professionals, and potential business partners. It shows that you are committed to building a legitimate and long-lasting venture.

  • Business Opportunities: Registering your company opens doors to various business opportunities, such as securing partnerships, negotiating contracts, and accessing funding or grants that may be available specifically to registered companies.

Potential Downsides and Considerations

  • Costs: Registering a company involves certain costs, including registration fees and potentially ongoing compliance expenses. Consider your budget and financial capabilities to ensure that you can meet these obligations.

  • Administrative Responsibilities: Running a registered company comes with additional administrative responsibilities, such as maintaining proper financial records, filing taxes, and complying with local business regulations. Ensure that you are prepared to handle these obligations or consider consulting with professionals to assist you in these matters.

  • Market Competition: Registering your label as a company means entering the competitive music industry officially. While this offers opportunities, it also means facing increased competition from established labels. Develop a solid business plan and unique selling points to differentiate yourself and thrive in the market.

Choosing the Right Distributor for Your Record Label

Selecting the right distributor for your record label is a crucial decision that can significantly impact your success in reaching a wider audience and generating revenue. Here are important factors to consider when choosing a distributor:

  • Platform Reach: Evaluate the distributor's reach and availability across various digital platforms, such as major streaming services, online music stores, and social media platforms. Ensure they can effectively distribute your music to your target audience.

  • Pricing and Revenue Sharing: Compare the pricing models and revenue sharing options offered by different distributors. Consider the fees, commission structures, and any additional charges to determine which aligns with your label's financial goals and resources.

  • Distribution Speed and Efficiency: Assess the distributor's turnaround time for delivering your music to platforms. Look for distributors that offer quick and efficient distribution processes to ensure timely releases and maximize your promotional efforts.

  • Additional Services: Some distributors provide value-added services like marketing support, playlist pitching, and analytics. Evaluate these additional offerings and determine if they align with your label's needs and growth strategy.

  • Customer Support: Look for distributors that offer reliable customer support to address any issues or inquiries promptly. Responsive and helpful support can make a significant difference in resolving distribution or technical challenges effectively.

  • Contract Terms: Review the terms and conditions of the distributor's contract, including contract length, termination policies, and exclusivity requirements. Ensure the terms are fair and reasonable for your label's long-term goals and flexibility.

  • Reputation and Track Record: Research the distributor's reputation within the music industry. Read reviews, seek recommendations from other labels or artists, and assess their track record in successfully distributing music for independent labels.

By carefully considering these factors and conducting thorough research, you can choose a distributor that aligns with your label's needs, goals, and values. Remember that the right distributor will not only help you reach a wider audience but also provide valuable support and resources to grow your label's presence in the highly competitive music industry.

Based on our experience, we recommend the following distributors:


Starting an independent label requires careful planning and a commitment to navigating the ever-evolving music industry landscape. By following the steps outlined in this article, including registering your company, joining relevant organizations, finding a reliable distributor like DistroKid or LabelCaster, and creating a strong brand, you'll be well on your way to establishing a successful independent label. Remember, simplicity and efficiency are key, and with the right tools and strategies, you can effectively promote and distribute your music to a global audience.